Write the better blue word. |
What does it
look like?
Example: bee
bee ant |
What single word best
describes a zoo?
44. _______
animals |
Why do we have the
45. _______
sports |
A story titled School
would be mostly about
what part of school life?
46. _______
books |
I am a cross between a
horse and a candy cane.
What could I be?
47. _______
candy zebra |
This thing lives under the
ground, above the ground
and high in the blue sky.
48. _______
tree cloud |
When I saw the ghost,
chills ran down my spine
and I began shivering.
49. _______
scary cold |
He started to shout and
his face turned a very
deep red color.
50. _______
hot angry |
The clown carefully put
makeup on his face
then fell as he walked.
51. _______
pretty |