Answer with the better blue word. |
What does it
look like?
Example: bee
bee ant |
Some pies are sweet
and some are tart,
but all are yummy.
How does pie taste?
31. _______
sweet good |
Put in the right order:
(a) Mix in a big bowl.
(b) Buy flour and milk.
(c) Bake in an oven.
32. _______
b,a,c |
Jack is good in sports
but even better at lunch.
What do you think Jack
likes to do more?
33. _______
play eat |
I love our ranch. I can
ride a big horse, pet a pig
and even feed a chicken.
What is this story about?
34. _______
horse ranch |
Jane wondered, "When
will the rain stop so I
can play with Mary?"
Who is thinking?
35. _______
Jane Mary |
John likes to play soccer,
not read about it. Is it
true that he likes words
more than action?
36. _______
true false |
The spider moved to the
center of its web and
wrapped a fly in silk.
Describe this scene?
37. _______
creepy |
Tom looked me square
in the eye and gave
a big thumbs up.
How was Tom feeling?
38. _______
strong weak |