Write the better blue word. |
What does it
look like?
Example: bee
bee ant |
I fly, sing and lay
eggs in a nest.
16. _______
nest bird |
What are dolls, balls
and train sets?
17. _______
toys round |
A good title for a story
about dogs, cats and
birds in cages.
18. _______
Cats Pets |
We went to the zoo
and saw lots of animals.
What did we do first?
19. _______
saw went |
Mike saw a bear eating
apples in his front yard.
Where was the bear?
20. _______
yard apple |
"Jane, you must stop
right now," said Tom.
Who is talking?
21. _______
Jane Tom |
Jeffs laughs at his cute
little mouse. How do
you think Jeff feels?
22. _______
happy cute |
"This is a great storm,"
Greg said with a smile.
How does Greg feel?
23. _______
scared glad |