Autism, Sulfur and Drinking Water

If you are sensitive to sulfites, you may be quite surprised at the connection to autism. I know I was. Although I am not outwardly autistic, I seem to share many of the chemical markers common in autism. These include problems with sulfur chemistry, dysfunctional vitamin B6 metabolism and poor expression of genes in the molybdenum cofactor pathway. The comparisons are so strong, I decided to write a book, "Autism, Enzymes and the Brimstone Demons." It is available on Amazon as an eBook or a Paperback and a summary is presented below. To confirm the assumptions and test the conclusions of the book, I have conducted several studies. The Facebook Study examines beverages consumed during pregnancy, while the New Jersey Study correlates autism prevalence with tap water. Finally, the Kidney Analysis examines the dysfunctional recycling of sulfate within the autistic kidney. Details follow the book summary.

Summary: This book attempts to unravel the mystery of autism, identify the root cause and suggest the means of prevention. The focus is sulfur chemistry, more specifically, the three oxides of sulfur: sulfite, sulfur dioxide and sulfate. I am personally affected and the oxides of sulfur cause me so much trouble, I call them the Brimstone Demons. Sulfites and sulfur dioxide are bad demons, causing difficulties for people with autism. They are found in food/drugs and have been on the rise for the last 70 years. Sulfate is a good demon, acting as a shield against many aspects of autism. Sulfates in our water supply have been falling for 70 years. When coupled with genetic mutations to the Moco Pathway, the Brimstone Demons cause autism. The Moco Pathway creates a chemical called the molybdenum cofactor which is crucial for several important enzymes, including sulfite oxidase and aldehyde oxidase. When dysfunctional, these enzymes unbalance sulfite, sulfate and vitamin B6 metabolism.

Clues to the Mystery: Following World War II, autism was virtually unknown with a prevalence of just 1 out of 10,000. Today, the rate in the United States is 1 in 68 and even worse for boys at 1 in 46. That's two percent for heaven's sake. The human genome has not changed, so a powerful environmental trigger must be at play. That trigger must have been rising for 70 years and it must still be potent the world over. The Brimstone Demons satisfy this condition.

ChemistChildren with autism have elevated levels of sulfite in their urine. Elevated may be too weak a description as sulfite is 51 times normal. A high level of sulfite has many negative consequences. An interesting one is depression of an enzyme called AASA dehydrogenase which clears a chemical that traps and inactivates bioactive B6. Sulfite interferes with this enzyme and low PLP results. In addition to causing epilepsy, this also affects the Moco Pathway as PLP is a necessary cofactor. In turn, sulfite oxidase is impacted and a bad feedback loop established, increasing sulfite even further. Sulfite oxidase clears sulfite by converting it to sulfate. So, high sulfite and low sulfate are two sides of the same problem. In many respects, sulfate functions as a nutrient, deeply connected to tissue growth including that required by brain development. It is also a key player within the Sulfation Pathway which removes toxins and waste from the body. Sulfate ions are attached to biological trash for identification and removal. This includes environmental toxins which stubbornly afflict all modern humans.

French FriesThe Brimstone Theory: Moco Pathway mutations have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. They upset body chemistry by increasing sulfite, decreasing sulfate and interfering with vitamin B6 chemistry. But not so much as to cause outright disease or developmental issues. Along comes sulfite in food and sulfur dioxide in prescription drugs. They push susceptible children over the edge. Many fastfood outlets serve french fries and instant potato flakes, adding 2,600 ug to our sulfite load. Sulfa drugs like Cotrim are prescribed to children and pregnant mothers. They release a whopping 30,000 ug in a typical dose. This bumps sulfite levels in autistic bodies to dangerous levels, as high as 95 uM over baseline. Body chemistry is affected including the temporary depression of bioactive B6. In turn, this impacts 140 pathways and initiates epileptic episodes.

Blood plasma levels of sulfate are depressed, as low as 30% of normal. So, the protective benefits of sulfate largely disappear for those with autism. The sulfate deficit may be estimated at 510 mg per day, looking at losses in urine. This can be corrected by drinking water with a high sulfate content, mineral water for instance. Pellegrino naturally provides 408 mg of sulfate in each liter bottle. Unfortunately, most tap water is not as sulfate rich. The EPA estimates that the median public water system provides only 24 mg/l. And this has been falling as autism has risen. Two trends are responsible. One is a shift from rural to urban water as people migrate to cities. Rural water is typically from mineral rich wells. Urban water is usually obtained from more prolific surface sources which contain less sulfate.

The second trend is a real eye opener. The Clean Water Act has empowered the EPA to force urban water systems to clean up dangerous toxins, certainly a noble goal. Of course, when you remove the bad stuff, sulfate gets reduced, too. I guess the baby got thrown out with the bath water. The medical community is not concerned about sulfate, considering it a mild nuisance. It is recommended to stay below 250 mg/l for flavor and below 500 mg/l to avoid diarrhea. For most people, sulfated water has no obvious benefit. But for those with autistic chemistry, sulfated water can make up for sulfate lost in the toilet. These are bold assertions. Can they be backed up with evidence?

IDEA legislation (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) requires tracking of autism in our public schools. If you extract data for 6 through 11 year olds with autism, you can calculate prevalence numbers for each of the 50 states. This shows large differences between states. The worst states are Minnesota, Maine, Oregon and Connecticut with rates as poor as 1 in 62. The best states are Iowa, Louisiana, Colorado and Oklahoma with rates above 1 in 200. What about sulfate in the water? For each of the best and worst states, I created a list of the most populous cities. I searched the internet for water quality reports and weighted sulfate levels against population to get an idea of the mean level of sulfate in each state. I compared sulfate to autism and the correlation was striking. The worst states had an averaged sulfate level of only 13 mg/l. The best states averaged 113 mg/l.

Most people drink about 2 liters of water per day. This means citizens in the best states were getting an additional 200 mg of sulfate compared to the worst. This extra sulfate reduced the rate of autism by a factor of 4. What would happen if you increased the sulfate even more, say double?  A conservative guess might be a reduction in autism by a factor of 8. What would autistic birth numbers look like in the United States under these improved conditions if the Brimstone Theory is true:

Current rate: 1/68 causing 58,000 autistic births/year.
Drinking water with 125 mg/l sulfate: 1/272 with 14,500 autistic births/year.
Drinking water with 250 mg/l sulfate: 1/544 and only 7,250 autistic births/year.

Bottled water is a player, too. The typical American buys 160 liters of bottled water every year. And the numbers are similar world wide. That replaces a lot of tap water. What about sulfate? Oh, the Brimstone Demons are a clever crew. Most bottled water is distilled tap water with the sulfate removed. This is true for Desani, Aquafina and Pure Life. Spring waters like Poland Spring are not much better. Bottled water is a multi- billion dollar growth industry, probably outpacing autism over the years.

Conclusion: It may be possible to reduce the incidence of autism by controlling the Brimstone Demons, avoiding the bad and supplementing the good. For instance, by minimizing sulfite in food, avoiding sulfur dioxide in sulfa drugs and supplementing drinking water with sulfate. A cure will be more difficult, since the brain may have been permanently altered. However, symptom relief should be practical by the same methods used for prevention. These ideas are explained in detail within the book. The appendix contains tables of sulfited ingredients, troublesome foods and problematic drugs. Is the Brimstone Theory true? That is the 100 trillion dollar question. The next page describes a research project which has examined the sulfate content of water actually drunk by mothers of children with autism.

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