  from Definitions  

 Vocabulary 31B 


rhythm: regular beat

Choose the best definition?  Write A, B or C.

A. pointed steel
B. to go through
C. long and round

1.  penetrate

A. hang from above
B. hold your pants up
C. help spend money

2.  suspend

A. send to prison
B. trick a friend
C. to persuade

3.  convince

A. very, very old
B. only one percent
C. repeat accident

4.  ancient

A. boat commander
B. an elaborate hat
C. a title or heading

5.  caption

A. retired footwear
B. purposeful journey
C. children's doctor

6.  expedition

A. choose a candidate
B. list by number
C. normal behavior

7.  nominate

A. lunch in the park
B. overwhelming fear
C. a very small pan

8.  panic

A. to act against
B. logical reasoning
C. to remember

9.  resist