  from Definitions  

 Vocabulary 27B 


edible: safe
to eat

Choose the best definition?  Write A, B or C.

A. secret fortress
B. very bad luck
C. bad information

1.  misfortune

A. huge and green
B. not very distinct
C. no longer with us

2.  extinct

A. hurt feelings
B. off the deep end
C. a strong smell

3.  offend

A. internet magazine
B. likeness or copy
C. explode inward

4.  image

A. blood sucking worm
B. very nerdy person
C. smooth or glossy

5.  sleek

A. sporting contest
B. apartment tour
C. tin ornament

6.  tournament

A. a beautiful sign
B. sign a document
C. quite important

7.  significant

A. nearly correct
B. appropriate choice
C. proxy teammate

8.  approximate

A. already done
B. a sticky mess
C. night moisture

9.  dew