
 Vocabulary 23B 

spelled alike but
sound different

Bow to the king.
Tie the

Write the homograph that fits in both places.

The  ?  pig ate the seed
before we could  ?  it.

1.  sow  dove

We  ?  next to a big zoo
with many  ?  animals.

2.  lead  live

The  ?  first flew higher,
then  ?  right for us.

3.  dove  bird

The farmer could not
 ?  enough fresh  ?
to fill the market.

4.  grow  produce

The ugly  ?  in her dress
caused a single  ?  to
fall from her eye.

5.  tear  object

I  ?  yesterday, I am
reading today and I
will  ?  tomorrow.

6.  wrote  read

I must write a good
 ?  and  ?  my search
for a better job.

7.  resume  play

I do not like you and
 ?  to being the  ?
of your affection.

8.  love  object

You are not  ?  enough,
so please  ?  the gap
in the line.

9.  close  fat