
 Vocabulary 17B 

sound alike but
not the same

  aunt    ant  

Write the better word for each sentence.

 ?  filled the sky
with yellow light.

1.    Dawn  
Don  Dawn

We  ?  fastfood
for our lunch.

2.  ________
eight  ate

The gold kitten
had large  ? .

3.  ________
paws  pause

The night  ?
wet the ground.

4.  ________
dew  do

I hope they get
 ?  act together.

5.  ________
there  their

The illness made
her very  ? .

6.  ________
week  weak

The moon was  ?
in the daylight.

7.  ________
pale  pail

I hope to  ?  off
into the sunset.

8.  ________
sale  sail

The  ?  on the
rope was strong.

9.  ________
not  knot