
  Comp 41B  

Hidden Ideas
All of the sentences
in a story are clues
to hidden ideas.

Just eats fruit
or a blood sucker?

Pick the better word for each story's hidden idea.

The boys paddled with
their hands. The boat
couldn't get to shore.

1.  oars  sense
They didn't
have   oars .

The math was tricky.
The reading was long.
And the hour was late.

2.  easy  hard
The homework
was ______.

He was quite worried. His
comics were good but the
cash register was empty.

3.  selling  liked
The comics were
not ______.

She asked questions
about a story. The
class answered well.

4.  tried  slept
They must have
______ hard.

The boy was proud.
He saved a girl who
fell out of a boat.

5.  fool  hero
The boy felt
like a ______.

The animals could not
be seen or heard. But
they were dangerous.

6.  dogs  snakes
Perhaps, they
were ______.