  Tone and Feeling  

  Comp 37B  


A story gives
your mind a
tone or feeling.

The fire was
warm and we
fell fast asleep.


Write the better word for the tone of each story.

The guests were about
to arrive. I set the table
while mother cooked.

1.  lazy  busy

The golden sun drove
away the night shadows.
It was a brand new day.

2.  hot  hopeful

When our dog ate my
birthday cake, mom's
smile turned to a frown.

3.  upset  glad

In the cool evening the
lake was still. A single
fish made a small ripple.

4.  loud  quiet

Can you believe it?
Someone dressed their
pet skunk as Santa.

5.  silly  grand

Sally and Jim have
missed their bus. It is
late and getting dark.

6.  cozy  tense