Key Words  

  Comp 20B  


Words can be
keys to unlock
the meaning.

Candles glow
with a soft
yellow light.

soft light

Last Saturday, Matt went to a parade. He saw an American
flag. Men with funny faces were marching behind wagons.

1. parade  game
Matt went to
a parade .

2. flag  face
He saw an
American ____.

3.  cars  wagons
Men marched
behind ______.

Mother took Jill to the zoo yesterday. There, they saw many
strange birds in a large cage. But Jill liked the apes the best.

4.  Mom  Jill
______ took
Jill to the zoo.

5.  strange  best
Some birds
were ______.

6.  birds  apes
Jill liked the
______ best.